Allison Wade
Writer of Fantasy and modder of gamest
Amelia Flores
Not the sharpest knife, but it`ll cut
Andrew Campbell
Brisbane-based rookie writer
Andy Smith & Dennis Turner
Illustrator & Author of Kor-Drath
Ashley Land
A comics fan bringing back the Golden Age
Black Knight
Author of Starshatter
Bonsart Bokel
Steampunk Author and Youtuber
Brian P McCoppin
Bestselling author of Christ centered works
Bryan Asher
Award winning adventure author
Carrow Brown
Taco lover & spreadsheet sexual
Christopher Moonlight
American Artist, Film Producer/Director. Lover of Practical Effects and Animation.
C.M. Atanasio
Daniel J. Snow
Jesus, Evolution, and Texas.
Daniel P. Riley
Ironage Author and Writing Coach
David Rose
Author of Weird Fiction
Devany Wilson
Welcome to my worlds
Devon Eriksen
The era of whining is over, and humanity is going places again
D.S. Coleman
Weird teller of weird tales
Edward Black
Private detective, webcomic author
Eric Ninaltowski
Rebel. Freedom Fighter. Counter Culture Enthusiast.
Erik Waag
Sword enjoyer. Author.
Indie Author
Hank Brown
Novelist; Blogger; Future Comic Creator
Herman P. Hunter
H. Wayne Desper (AKA Hojo)
Forged in the Iron Age...
Ingot Bot
beep boop
Jacob Calta
Filmmaker, Composer, & Writer
Jac Rhys
Writer, Podcaster
James Krake
Indie Sci-Fi Author
Jeni Burlage
Proud nerd finding beauty in art
Jim Arkus
Folk-Blues and Sword & Sorcery from NJ
Jim Breyfogle
Jim writes stuff.
John Henry Davis
Editor for The Unreal Press
Jolly Roger
Novice writer at the dawn of the Iron Age
Justin Fraser
Odd fiction writer who enjoys life. Many influences, from classic mysteries and cosmic horror, to old cartoons and satrical writers.
John Page / JVP
Independent Musician, Composer, and Producer
Kailey Mathis
Independent Singer/Songwriter
Katharine Frances
An individual with a passion for fantasy
Katie Roome
Periapsis Press Editor and Reviewer
K. Dupree
Dupree loves the genre of fantasy most.
The Lord Otter
A rodent with imagination
Mage Leader
Author and YouTube Creator
Martin Lindley
Seeking to bring the uniqueness of Japanese media to a Western audience
Matthew Pungitore
A dandy amongst savage lands!
Matt Waterhouse
Author of Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror
The Man Behind the Screen
Pulp Fantasy & Webcomic Author
Michael Gallagher
Author and Editor
M. J. Frost, a.k.a. "SkulFox"
Sentient fox skull, writer, and gamer
Nathaniel Chen/HorizonTalker
Author and Artist
Nikki Root
Sci-fi, Fantasy & Stories Like That
Raven McKnight
Raziel Gore
Co-founder of Studio YGKrow
Ricardo M. de Paula
A new author making his debut
R. J. Shaw
Creator of The Fourth Age Comics
Robert L. Webb
Author, YouTuber, Iron Age Warrior
Robert Victor Mills
Writer of traditional heroic fantasy
R. Deravakian
Christian. Armenian-American. Writer. Navy Veteran.
Sebastian Priest
Naked, coming at you with a magic chainsaw
Shigor Birdman
Sanity is overrated
Comic Artist. Graphic Designer.
The weapon of gentlemen and barbarians alike
Terry Link
Helping to build better villains
TF Stalshek
Nobody from Nowhere
Victor James / The Megacosm
Humble author returning to escapism
Timothy Dempsey
Dark Fantasy Author
Timo Burnham
Author of fast paced fantasy and scifi
TJ Marquis
Author and Creative Consultant
T.J. Morgan
Owner of Greystone Entertainment
Tom Hyland
Tom Siebert
Writer, Reader, De-occultist, Dad
Tony DiGerolamo
Southjersium Writicus
Curator of the Boneyard
Vincent Baker
Christian. Happily Married. Tabletop Game Designer. Anime Fan. TCG Background. Otherworlds / Spellslingers / and more!
Waywalker Studios
Creators of Violet Dawn