H. Wayne Desper (AKA Hojo)

Forged in the Iron Age...

Mr. Desper is an Army veteran that got the writing bug early in life. Growing up an only child, reading kept him entertained. An avid reader of classic Bronze Age comics by Peter David and Chris Claremont, as well as the literary works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells, and many others set him on this path. After coming up with the idea for The Mythicals in 2005, the company chosen for publishing went bankrupt while on a deployment. It was put on the shelf, thinking it would never get to see a reader.

Flash forward about 15 later: CROWDFUNDING is a thing! Publishers had gone far left and intolerant of fun stories without a message. The Mythicals was dusted off and updated. After 8 months of hard work, The Mythicals funded on Indiegogo in just 13 hours. Citing their business practices, he has decided to move the campaign over to a true free speech platform, FundMyComic at the following link: https://www.fundmycomic.com/campaign/20/the-mythicals-1

That campaign will be open indefinitely at this time. Indiegogo orders and any orders up to that point on FundMyComic will be fulfilled sometime in June 2023.

With his wife running the business side, Hojo can continue to create and make up for lost time. Look for his story in the upcoming Out of Obscurity anthology by Arrow Comics in the early summer 2023 and other projects that have not been announced yet. Hojo is definitely here to stay! Bring on the IRON AGE! Follow me on Twitter: @HWDesper