Robert L. Webb

Author, YouTuber, Iron Age Warrior

I’ve been writing since 16, and started writing professionally in 2016. I write in every genre except horror, but my personal favorites are Sci-fi and Fantasy. To date, I have 3 novellas and dozens of short stories under my belt and am anticipating audiobook adaptations of the former in the near future. Lately, besides trying to raise support for my Kickstarter campaign, and creating content on YouTube and Rumble as Brainstorm Lore, I’ve been a regular short-story contributor to Iron Age Media and Whetstone Magazine.

I love stories, and I love well-crafted world-building even more. While not necessary to create a great story, I’ve always enjoyed most of all the kinds of stories that take place in worlds that are packed with detail, feel real, and that you wish you could visit. As a result, the best part of writing my own stories is creating such worlds for my characters to have stories in more than anything else. In another life perhaps I would have done such work for major tabletop RPG developers. As it is, I’m trying to break out and make a living by my writing while holding down a 9-5. Still, these are interesting times to be living in as it is, and while some consider that a curse, I regard it as both an opportunity and a blessing.

Sincerest thanks to Iron Age Media and to all my fellow contributors. I haven’t seen Pulps this good since I first discovered Robert E. Howard.






