Audiodrama Podcasts

A Medium Made For The Iron Age

I can't tell you how happy I was when I discovered the Iron Age. As someone who loves pulp era writers, is uninterested in a lot of contemporary media, and is a creator myself– I felt like I found my tribe.

And I love the Iron Age media I see created and celebrated – the pulp novels, the comics, and beyond. But I come to you as an ambassador of a medium that needs to join the Iron Age - Audiodrama.

Over the past decade, podcasting has become incredibly popular. While most are nonfiction – interviews, true crime, etc - alongside these, fiction podcasts, or audiodramas, have slowly been gaining traction. And there's a lot out there right now that I think the Iron Age would love.

But why should you listen?

Audiodrama is almost all indie. If you're embracing the Iron Age because you want to see more entertainment made outside Hollywood, the mainstream, and corporate monopolies, then there's no greater medium doing that today. Hollywood struggles to monetize fiction podcasts at scale. And audiodrama is a low barrier to entry. So, while big studios might fumble out a handful of shows a year, new indie shows launch practically every week.

You should also listen because you can do so nearly anywhere while doing almost anything. Listen to audiodramas: while doing household chores, while commuting. At work. At the gym. While falling asleep. One of the benefits of the medium is that you can enjoy it while doing something else.

Where can you find shows?

Podcasts apps like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Podcast Addict let you scroll through genres of podcasts, so you can search for Fiction podcasts that way.

Another great resource is the audiodrama subreddit. With over 250,000 members, almost daily someone asks for recommendations based on their interests. Scroll through lists of previously recommended shows or make your own post asking for help finding something specific to what you're seeking.

What shows do I recommend?

The Milkman of St. Gaff's is a completed series that's a cross between Lovecraft and Kafka. It's written, acted, and produced by one man, Chris McClure. So if you ever wondered what would happen if Lovecraft went to Mayberry, this is the show for you.

Red Valley has both a larger cast and crew, and reminds me a lot of Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg/Nick Frost films like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. It's a sci-fi series about slacker-workers who discover their company is hiding groundbreaking technology... as well as the terrible experiments needed to create it.

If you haven't listened to audiodrama before, give either of those shows a try, or search for something more inline with your interests. There's so many out there, you're bound to find something you'll like.

And if you're looking to create something of your own, then stay tuned until next time when I'll give some tips on making your own audiodrama.