ANVIL Updates & News

Issue #2 Coming in Hot!

The combined campaigns on FMC and IGG for ANVIL: Iron Age Magazine Issue #2 have crossed $12k raised! Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered. The proof has already come back and is looking fantastic. I've done a quick flipthrough below!

A huge shoutout to the many authors and artists of the second issue who made it possible, and the team for issue #2 with Daniel P. Riley, of Whimsyland as Editor and Jacob Calta of 365 Infantry as Designer. If you haven't grabbed your pre-order yet you can still grab it on IGG through at least the 30th of September. This issue is amazing and will be a perfect fit for the fall season.

And that brings us nicely along to issue #3, which is already in process! I recieved over 120 fiction submissions and a half dozen comics, which exceeds the first two issues combined. Paring down the content was difficult, but the lineup is already looking excellent. For anyone interested, ads will be returning with issue #3, so if you have something you think ANVIL readers would love, make sure you keep a close eye on the ANVIL site. Thank you to everyone who orders, shares, or reads ANVIL. It's only through the support of people like yourself that we're able to keep building up the Iron Age!