The Frontier Needs YOU!

Go West with a Brand-New Anthology Magazine

“The West – the very words go straight to that place of the heart where Americans feel the spirit of pride in their western heritage – the triumph of personal courage over any obstacle, whether nature or man.”
- John Wayne

The Old West is many things to many people. A modern antiquity; so removed from the creature comforts of the contemporary world, yet so distant from the ages past. A world of Man against nature, Man against beast, and Man against Man. A world of “cowboys and Indians,” bristling with bandanna-wearing bank robbers, gun-slinging gangs, dangerous races on horseback, at the reins of wagon trains, and against the hammering chug and whistle of a steam-driven railroad. A world of vast open plains and of personal freedom, of lawlessness brought to heel by any means necessary. A place of opportunity, and of great change. Simply put, the Old West.

In the spirit of classic western escapades, as compiled in pulp magazines and relayed by the likes of Zane Grey, Max Brand, and Louis L’Amour, Go West: Frontier Tales is a brand-new anthology zine dedicated to straight-shooting Old West fun. Helmed by writer Spenser Rudolph and crewed by co-conspirators Jack Sevier and Jacob Calta, the goal is to revive the classic western genre and all that comes with it. Though twists of Weird Tales genre-bending and dashes of romance are never unwelcome, the magazine hopes to focus primarily on traditional action/adventure fiction, reliving the thrills, mysteries, and excitements that millions savored in print, over the airwaves, and on screens both big and small during the early-to-mid 20th century. Rolling submission for Issue 1 is NOW OPEN! Learn more about the guidelines here and start rustling up those stories!