Approaching Year #2

Delays & Course Corrections

ANVIL #4 Delays

Alright, first up I want to provide an overdue update on the status of issue #4. The delay in printing has come down to two main factors: internal content running behind schedule and an external setback with our printing partner. I take full responsibility for the internal delays and appreciate your patience. There have been a confluence of things in my personal life that have contributed to the problems, but things are mostly back to normal and I'm taking measures to accelerate the remainder of the year for ANVIL. Which leads me to the following...

IronAge.Media Hiatus & Redesign

Back in August of 2022 when I launched this site, I really had no idea where it would take me. Since then I've tried my best to keep up with articles and prompts, but in recent months I've let things slide. In addition to this, I've also started and shelved two site redesigns that I'd hoped would make it more functional. During August I'm going to be taking a brief break from posting there regularly. The top priority is getting ANVIL back on track, closely followed by launching a cleaner, easier to maintain version of the site.

I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped me so far, and I hope this disruption hasn't caused you any grief. I'll be posting a few articles, and I'll be sure to announce when issue #4 is finally in the mail in another week or two, but otherwise expect to hear from me in September!

If you have any questions or need anything please send an email and I'll get back with you as quick as I can.