IndieScan #13

What`s happening in the Iron Age and Pulp!

What's happening in Iron Age, Pulp Rev, Comicsgate, Superversive, and other fresh independent media? I'm here to round it all up for you week by week. Keep up with your favorites and find something new!

Read on for this week's scan or watch below:


The Mythicals #2 fully funded!

Yakov Merkin's Amaranth Angels is fully funded!

Dinosaur Warfare—the complete trilogy is out!

LaPoint also shares his curated spooky season to read pile!

13 Stories of Horror, an anthology.

The complete 11-book Planetary Anthology Series is now available on Kindle

Shoot the Devil 2!

The Mousetrap Murders brings intrigue and mystery.

Cirsova releases Wild Stars comic collection.

From A.G.E. Comics, Fall of Man #2.

Tricks or Treats, horror anthology.

Author and music producer Michael Harris flies in with a new set of synthwave style tracks.