IndieScan #15

What`s happening in the Iron Age and Pulp!

What's happening in Iron Age, Pulp Rev, Comicsgate, Superversive, and other fresh independent media? I'm here to round it all up for you week by week. Keep up with your favorites and find something new!

Read on for this week's scan or watch below:


Anvil #4 submissions open.

A western historical fiction by Mage Leader.

A sci-fi monster hunting series with dungeoncore elements.

From Blake Carpenter, The Way of Mortals, Asian-oriented steampunk fantasy.

Bonsart Bokel starts campaign for steampunk comic, Journey to Elysium.

In OMEGA MISSION, An ancient evil comes home to Earth to reclaim it as its OWN. - turn based civilizational strategy in your browser!

Cyberknights tactical RPG with lots of depth!