Hobo Sermons Low EP Crowdfunder

An Iron Age Folk Music Blend

For the last few years Hobo Sermons has been entertaining the Iron Age with his own original songs and covers. Now he's launching a project to bring his latest songs to a professional grade EP. You can expect a unique blend of styles with folk authenticity at it's core. The first song, 'Low' is already available, with four additional songs ready to produce.

- Mandy
- The Forgotten Man
- Schadenfreude
- Effy’s Elegy

The idea is that the “Low” single will be an example of the kind of music we’re looking to get made. At its heart, the music is Folk music (I’ve only ever written songs using an acoustic guitar) with other genres mixed in. Along with meaningful lyrics and that old hat of telling-it-like-it-is.

I am of the opinion that we’re losing songs that tell the ugly truths and reflect on the world around us. Songs that told the terrible and triumphant tales of our past, and of our present. Folk Music used to do that. And, with your support, that can be the case again. Only this time, it won’t be your parents’ kind of Folk Music.

- Hobo Sermons

For a sample of the planned EP, the 'Low' single is available now on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon. And if you'd like to get to know Hobo Sermons himself a bit, catch one of his regular livestreams and chat a while. Afterwards, head over to his campaign on IndieGoGo and help bring this EP to fruition.