The Shadow of the Conqueror, Vol 1

A Drink With Crazy Pre-Reviews Enemies of Self

With the graphic novel’s crowdfunding campaign on the cusp of finishing, Royce from the Youtube channel A Drink With Crazy produced a video review of the aforementioned novel “Shadow of the Conqueror: Enemies of Self, Volume 1.” The graphic novel is a splendid visualization of Shad M. Brooks writing using the enormous talents of artist Mike S. Miller. The story revolves around a character, Daylen, seeking to find himself again in a world of his own making—for the betterment.

From the graphic novel campaign page:

“The tale of a deposed tyrannical emperor who embarks on a journey towards redemption, becoming seventeen years old and obtaining the mythical powers of the legendary Archknights. He must battle his inner demons, his violent and cruel inclinations, and enemies both old and new, in the hopes of pushing back much of the darkness he brought to the world.”

The focus of Royce’s review, completely devoid of spoilers, centered on a discussion of how the artwork shines in its own right while also uplifting the literary content. He praised the range of colors utilized to contrast characters while fitting them into the environment properly, and highlighted the impactful illustrations of combat. Royce also explored how age appropriate the material is through the artwork and language.

Watch Royce’s full review here on his channel, A Drink With Crazy. Royce also has been a champion of Iron Age creators and hosts a weekly livestream with the creator of this site on Fridays at 8:30pm CST.

If you are looking to follow the progress of Shad Brooks’ graphic novel, or perhaps seeking to snag a copy yourself, look for it on its crowdfunding page by October 30th.