Weird of the Skull Totem

A Tale of Swords & Horror

I promised you Weird, and I promised you Skulls. And you shall have both!

Weird of the Skull Totem is the second book in the “Skarde: The Wandering Sword” series. It is a separate story, and doesn’t require knowledge of Citadel of Seven Swords, although some aspects of the story might make more sense (and I could use the sales!)

Inspired by old school pulp, 80’s cult movies, and heavy metal, Weird of the Skull Totem is a fast paced, action packed Sword & Sorcery tale with strong elements of Horror.

Skarde, wandering sword and untamed adventurer, takes to the high seas in search of fortune. This he gains – and loses – all too quickly.

Shipwrecked on a shore beyond the bounds of the civilized world, Skarde and his crew discover that repairing their ship and avoiding the vengeful war-galleys of the Trade-League are the least of their worries.

Here the flesh is imperilled, the mind is twisted, and Skarde’s very soul might be lost.

Weird of the Skull Totem is available at Amazon in e-book format now and is on pre-order sale until January 31, 2024. The paperback will be available in the first week of February. Watch for more short stories, and my WIP – Princess of the Shrouded Mountain, the third book in the Wandering Sword series.