Featured Submission & Iron Age Knights


March Short Story and Poetry Prompt Submission Voting Live Now
Voting on the prompt submissions is up now, check it out here.
February Short Story and Poetry Prompt Submission Voting Live Now
Voting on the prompt submissions is up now, check it out here.
Seeking Magazine Submissions
If you have a comic or short fiction ready for the world to see, I want to hear from you! I am looking for submissions ASAP! Check out the details here.
January Short Story Prompt Submission Voting Live Now
Voting on the prompt submissions is up now, check it out here.
December Short Story Prompt Submission Winners
The winner of the popular vote was D.S. Coleman with `The Night of Iron and Blood` and Devany Wilson with `A Flame Burns Free.`
November Short Story Prompt Submission Winners
The winner of the popular vote was D.S. Coleman with `Her Mother`s Savage Daughter` and Devany Wilson with `Shadow`s Wake` Editorial selection was `The Lady of Marble` by Nathaniel Chen aka Horizon Talker.
October Short Story Prompt Submission Winners
The winner of the popular vote was Devany Wilson with `A Bloody Beginning` and Jeni Burgalge with `Maiden`s Summons.` Editorial selections was `Grave` by Swordrush. Keep an eye out for them in the prompts section.
September Short Story Prompt Submission Winners
The winner of the popular vote was Bryan Asher with `The Spike of Foundation.` Editorial selections were `The Three` by TJ Marquis and `The Path to the Ossuary` by Katharine Frances.
Voting on September Short Story Prompt Submissions
Voting will begin on Friday October 14th and run through Saturday October 22nd. Read about it here.
New Logo
The talented Felipe Risseto reached out to me via his instagram to discuss getting me a significantly improved logo. Many thanks for the superior design. Check out his webcomic if you`d like to see his comic work as well.


Iron Age Knights Weekly Livestreams

Livestream on A Drink With Crazy on October 7, 2022

Mention from Razorfist on October 5, 2022

Featured by A Drink With Crazy on September 29, 2022