Author Circles: Laureate

Stronger together on the writing journey

Many on social media say one thing. Writing and marketing a novel without the backing of a publisher and agent is like “screaming into the void.” It’s true. To combat this, Iron Age creators have built platforms that help get the word out about unsung yet wonderful works of Art.

What does the independent writer do, all alone, faced with a blank page? Browse social media and ask questions. Google answers. Some band together and support each other through the process. One group is called Laureate.

Started on Discord earlier this year, Laureate was created to be a “place for Authors,” and that simple mission statement continues. Writers are welcomed to its ranks and given the opportunity to get to know the other members, share their works, and openly ask for help any time, any day.

The group shares every aspect of writing that each member presents. Do you need help writing your back cover info? Your author profile? Your marketing ads? Every Thursday is Blurbsday, a day of the week dedicated to brainstorming unique and interesting ways to say what a story is about that will engage readers.

A member can contribute a beta or advanced reader copy of their stories that members can read and discuss at the end of the monthly period. This gives the writer immediate feedback from others who have done the same, made the same mistakes, and offer guidance to ensure that the creator presents the very best book possible.

The open exchange of ideas is why social media platforms were made. Laureate has successfully used that to build a support network for its members. Authors helping authors. Content creators share great stories with their audience. Writing coaches work with new writers to perfect their drafts. Like the sitting rooms of old where people like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and A. A. Milne could conversate and exchange information, even debate the merits of their ideas with respect, Laureate: A discord for Authors brings writers from around the world into a shared space of trust.

Laureate boasts consistent writers like TJ Marquis: Author of Hero’s Metal, Coming to Power, and Bloodbane. Daniel P. Riley, cohost of Ironage Knights and prolific pulp serial writer of The Chroniclers on Brian McCoppin, Author of Hell desk to Help desk and his first fiction series: Record of the Paladins. Donovan Walker, the creator of Star Warden. And Jon Wander, who wrote A Stranger in Sorcererstown.

In speculative fiction, S. Kirk Pierzchala, who writes the incredible “Beyond Cascadia” sci-fi series, has worked with Laureate since it began. Ted F. Atchley shared his upcoming novel, Key to Reality, in Laureate’s monthly book club event. Every member contributes in their own way, with their own free time, to help each other rise. Stronger Together, as we say in the Iron Age.

Speaking of which, everyone’s favorite website Admin,, joined too. Ready to start your writer’s journey? Laureate is a great place to be.