Legacy of Heroes, The First of a New World

Superheroes the way they`re meant to be

Superheroes are boring. It’s all the same. Gritty realism in flashy costumes. With the advent of Isom and the Rippaverse came an opportunity to spin the Superhero dial back to the days of Soaring Super Men and Web-Slinging Wonders who were relatable yet aspirational. That is to say; they were men and women and aliens who strived to be better for the world they lived in, regardless of where they came from. Long-time fans remember halcyon days of a Justice League that espoused fair justice and a group of mutants who endured persecution yet stood for equality and community despite their obvious differences.

These amazing characters were replaced by bad parody, rewrites that fundamentally changed their entire concept, or worse, were handed over to people who knew nothing about what they stood for. Writers who are interested in purveying their own message through an established and beloved character rather than creating their own unique ideas. Ironage Authors do just that, showcasing fresh, new character concepts with that classic heroic feel.

Legacy of Heroes is a YA superhero novel written by Daniel P. Riley, Author of the Neo-Samurai Epic: Jisedai and the whimsical fantasy adventure trilogy: The Tales of Halziyon. His third series, Legacy of Heroes, revolves around three people with extraordinary abilities and a legacy that none knew about. One built around the mysterious death of the Greatest Superhero known as Paragon.

When a new Paragon steps onto the scene, his presence changes the lives of both James Lassiter, a homeless teen hunted by his own shadow, and Amy Price, a girl with an amazing gift enticed down a dark path. Together, the three become hunted by the mysterious Black Sector. A paramilitary unit that has attacked James before for an unknown, sinister purpose. Who is in command of the Black Sector, and why are they targeting people with powers?

Find out in the pages of Legacy of Heroes, available now on Amazon and anywhere books are sold.

A special “Plus Ultra” version of the ebook is available for purchase on Daniel P. Riley’s gumroad, including bonus art and an “in-universe” short story called Legacy of Heroes: One.

Plus Ultra Edition
Standard ebook and paperback