The Mongoose & Meerkat Return!

Volume Three is available soon

Mangos and Kat return for the final volume of Jim Breyfogle’s Tales of the Mongoose: The Redemption of Alness. In upholding the glorious tradition of adventuring partners, the two have traveled many roads, endured many hardships, and fought many battles together. Mangos has come a long way from the youth who left home not knowing if he wanted fame, fortune, and antique swords - or just the adventure of acquiring them. Kat’s come a long way too, and Mangos learns things that make him regard her in a whole new way.

The north is in turmoil but it’ll take more than reckless courage and expensive swords to set things right.

Everything up to now has been preparation. There are dangerous foes (“Dragons. Dragons are a fine way for dying.”), desperate plans (“Did you just poison your own food?”), and ominous warnings (“You can only go into the water so many times before you don’t come out.”). The dangers are greater, and the stakes higher, than ever.

Can Mangos and Kat prevail? Can they even survive?

Redemption of Alness gathers stories published in Cirsova magazine with those yet to be published. Those buying the book will get the last two stories months before anyone else. They will also get an independent story, Knots in the Thread of Time, that has never been published. AND, there is the introduction to A Bad Case of Dead, another forthcoming novel by Jim Breyfogle. How does one catch Dead anyway, and can you cure it?

The centerpiece of the book is, of course, The Mongoose and the Meerkat as they bring the series to an end. No matter what happens, one thing is certain. After the Redemption of Alness, nothing will be the same.

Pre-orders are available through Kickstarter right now.