The Dyad

Prompt for February 14, 2024

'The Dyad' is the weekly literature prompt for Wednesday, February 14, 2024. IronAge Media is taking submissions inspired by this image prompt through February 29, 2024. The following categories are open:

  • Flash Fiction & Poetry: Any work less than one thousand words.
  • Short Stories: Any short story exceeding one thousand words.

To enter your submission send an email with a link to your work along with the title, and your prefered byline. You will need to host your content yourself, via Substack or similar.

After a month of prompts has passed, all categories that recieve at least eight submissions (across all prompts for that time period) will be entered into a popular vote. Details will be posted when voting occurs. Editor picks may occur with less than eight submissions, especially with lower volume mediums. Winners of the vote and editors picks will be contacted for some additional information and featured on the site on a weekly basis.

If you have questions check out the FAQ and feel free to reach out.
